




In 2007 jointly a social building project for Roma families by Dinkelland and Liptovsky-Mikolas has been implemented
successfully with the realisation of a social centre and the construction of nine apartments for Roma families.

This Dutch-Slovakian initiative has been intensively monitored by the EMDA Organisation from Luxemburg.

At first it was in the intention to build fifteen houses in Liptovsky-Mikulas to be used by the there living
Roma families. The councel of Dinkelland agreed in May 2006 to provide the credit.
Then Emda researched what had to be done for preparing the building project. It showed that
the project would have a much longer period for preparation than initial foreseen.
It would not be possible to start construction before the middle of 2007.

In consultation with the council of Liptovsky Mikulas, Emda was looking for an alternative plan, that
be implemented on short notice.
The Slovakian council presented then an alternative plan, that had already gone through the time of
decision-making, and which could start on short notice.

There are now build nine new apartments for Roma families, two rooms for social education and
a room for homeless people and visitors without a place to stay. Furthermore there is an office for
police and security.
In an extension phase complementary measures will be undertaken, such as creating a paved storage area with lighting and
the paving of an entry road and a parking area.
It is the intention in 2009 to prepare an extension-plan for a new joint initiative in this cross-border development.
It is expected that the EMDA Network from Luxemburg also will be involved in the assistance and monitoring of the project.










At an initiative of the St. Thomas Foundation in 2007 construction started of a campus for a special education project in Kerala, India.
The St. Thomas Foundation asked EMDA Luxembourg and EMDA South Asia to assist with the further preparation of this major project.
With this project, by providing special quality education at secondary level, young people will have the opportunity to realise a better position.
The program mainly focuses on minorities and the poor population in the rural areas of Southern India.
The creation of this campus will be the basis for improvement of education levels, living-conditions and gender for the poor part

of the population in India. The first phase of this program has been completed.
A second multi annual project program is under preparation and the St. Thomas Foundation together with Emda is urgently seeking

co-finance for this program.
The concept meets innovative quality education with modern tools for young people of poor families from Christian background in
Southern India.

But this will not be enough. Your support is very needful. Especially finance.
You can support this special project by remitting on:

Giro account Foundation EMDA Netherlands: 472.6569 mentioning: Project START India

IBAN:      NL58INGB0004729569         (BIC code: INGBNL2A)


Donations made to the Emda Network Organisation can be declared as a tax reduction.

Thank you very much!!











On the basis of own experiences with assistance to various disasters the EMDA Network intents to structural support on small scale  
the poor fishermen population in India and Sri Lanka.
This will be particularly technical equipment, training and improve living conditions, focussed on the poor part of the population.
Also assistance will be provided to improve facilities in the area and the living conditions of the civil society.

Sri Lanka
EMDA prepared a rehabilitation project in Sri Lanka in view of the uprooted people program. Because of the tsunami this has been overthrown.
Instead a rehabilitation program will put in place, focused on the poor part of the victims (special fishermen) of the tsunami.
With examples from successful projects in India a specific integrated help has been chosen to assist selected villages  
and adopt them for help and assistance.
Depend of the donor specific priorities will be identified for implementation in phases.
EMDA expects soon being able to present an implementation plan for the project.

In India EMDA, together with DMI and SIFFS, is preparing in Tamil Nadu and Kerala an development project for rehabilitation assistance  
to improve the living conditions of the fishermen.
The final rehabilitation project and will also be focused on integrated adoption of some heavy damaged villages of poor fishermen.

Rehabilitation structural aid
EMDAs way of operation is those of towards sustainable development from an extended relief situation. In area's affected and adopted,
EMDA is involved with the preparation of the rehabilitation. Psychosocial assistance and improved living conditions of the local population
are important segments.

EMDA Network has special accounts in Luxemburg and the Netherlands for donations to support EMDAs development aid:

Foundation EMDA, Netherlands - Giro account number: 472.9569 attn. Humanitarian Aid.
EMDA Asbl, Luxemburg – Dexia Bank (BIC-code bank BILLLULL), IBAN Nr.: LU88 0026 1377 9310 0000


Donations made to the Emda Network Organisation can be declared as a tax reduction.  
We thank you for your donations, for which we are very grateful.