
Recent modifications within the EMDA Network Organisation.

In the recent period the organisation structure of the EMDA Network has been changed a view times in order to comply with the actual operational capacity. Special the decentralisation en strong reducing of support in Central- and Eastern Europe has resulted in the liquidation of the organisations in East-Germany and in Latvia. Also the administrative office in Losser, the Netherlands has been closed and the activities in the sector of Monitoring and Supervision are now concentrated in Luxembourg. This has also been the reason for a temporary non-availability of the website of the organisation during some period.

A small new and purely working with volunteers fundraising organisation is actual operational in the Netherlands.

To strengthening the organisation structure, the EMDA Network Organisation is looking for candidates to join the existing board and assist with the establishment of a team meeting the new targets within European development cooperation and jointly establish the strategy of the organisation in the future.

A cooperation of the EMDA Network together with a special selected group of small-scale NGOs will be a major topic.


EMDA Network Organisation at the Annual Meeting of ADB in Madrid


The EMDA Network participated on invitation of the ADB (Asian Development Bank) in May at the Annual Meeting in Madrid.

During the meeting with the president of the Bank initiatives for the improvement of monitoring and the participation of NGOs in projects in general have been discussed.

During other consultations in Madrid EMDA got the opportunity to discuss specific bottlenecks with NGO-Projects in India and Sri Lanka with the ADB staff.

 Already several years EMDA is one of the stakeholder NGOs with the Bank.